This page only includes rules changes published by Peter the GM in Tribe News or via email.
NOTE: A new version of the Mandate was released on 3 February 2025. Any rules updates listed here with dates earlier than that (anything listed earlier than Tribe News 901-09) may no longer be relevant as they may either be codified in the new Mandate or superceded by the new Mandate. I wil attempt to resolve all of these issues on 8-9 February 2025. Until then, you will need to make this determination on your own.
Note that alcohol at Fair is sold by the Barrel. So, for example, if you are selling 1 Barrel of Ale you must show this as a transfer of 100 Ale and 1 Barrel to 7263.
(Tribe News 901-09)
Once one of your Tribes gains Arch1, that Tribe may be designated as the Archaeology Tribe (notify the GM). Only one Archaeology Tribe per Clan is allowed.
The Tribe continues to function as a normal Tribe in every way except that it and sub units of that Tribe may excavate artefacts at an archaeological site. The Tribe also needs Exc1 skill to be able to dig for artefacts.
An archaeological site will be guaranteed within 15 – 25 or so hexes of the parent Tribe (likely to be placed in fairly inhospitable places like Mountains and Swamps, the player needs to ask for this placement but not the position). The initial Ruins site shown to a Clan belongs to that Clan exclusively. These sites cannot be transferred to other Clans.
The Excavation unit can be an Element or Garrison. (The element or garrison is not free, and must be an acquired through Adm or Garr skill as usual). Couriers and Fleets may not be Excavation units. The Excavation unit can gather artefacts (weight 10lbs) from the site at the guaranteed rate of 1 (only) artefact per turn, using 10 people excavating with shovels or picks. Exc1 skill is required.
An Excavation may gather at one excavation site per turn and can lose that site if the unit is attacked and defeated in battle. The victor may use this site (with an Arch unit) as long as it is the only site excavated in the turn.
(there are no restrictions on attacking and you may build fortification in the Excavation site)
(Tribe News 901-01)
Please sort your Orders by unit (ie Tribe) number so that all Activities done by any one unit are batched together. If there are gaps, eg 0123 Hunting, 0123e1 Hunting then 0123 Locating Scouting, then the latter Order (Scouting) will overwrite the 0123 Hunting which will not be executed.
(Tribe News 901-03)
Last turn we had an instance where a player put a (failed) Eng Order in the first row/line. Activities for this Clan failed to upload. A test revealed that when the Eng Activity was removed from the first line the Activities uploaded. While it is like that a “good” Eng Activity (such as Meeting House) would not be an issue, I recommend that you don’t start Activities with an Eng Order.
Note: your Engineering and Shipbuilding orders will work auto for many items however they will not work for some. It is not easy to be specific here as sometimes this is to do with flaky code and sometimes to do with how players enter Orders (which can be resolved over time). There are two responses possible when Engineering and Shipbuilding Orders do not work. First, short term fix, let the GM know what you intended to build and which materials were or were not deducted. Second, if a particular Order does not work consistently then use GM Actions to show what you are building (specify unit) and then use Transfer to 1263 in Transfer Orders.
(Tribe News 900-09)
Please enter your skills clean each turn rather than copy/paste.
(Tribe News 901-01)
If the Activities of a unit are separated by the Activities of a different unit the latter Orders will overwrite the former which will not be done. For example:
0263 Hunting Provs 100
0263e1 Hunting Provs 100
0263 Curing Skins 10
0263 Hunting provs will not get processed.
(Tribe News 901-12)
Require crew of 6.
(Tribe News 900-06)
9.2 Combat and Movement
Combat can be initiated in two ways.
Whether an attack is initiated will depend on resolution of any Suppression Orders the target might have.
In these cases, you use the defenders assigned in Orders and the equipment you have on hand. You are given some information, you submit combat Orders, and the combat is run in the week after Reports are sent.
Before Movement attacks are deemed to happen after Activities in the turn. Suppression is not relevant.
The player lets me know of any intention to attack (GM Actions). The units involved may do Activities (including assigning defenders) before the combat. The units involved may both move. The units involved MAY NOT transfer goods AM.
The players then receive their Report. In the following week the combat is resolved and any retrospective changes made. For example, B is not on that Gold mine after all, they are in fact dead.
A unit may fight any other single unit only once per turn. A Clan may only engage in a maximum of two combats in a turn.
Combat is resolved in the “non-processing” week and requires a couple of days lead time for the GM to prepare and distribute materials to players.
(Tribe News 900-04)
The present rule is that the loser of combat in the field forfeits 50% of its weapons and armour used in the field to the victor.
I think a better rule (that accommodates the idea of wear and tear) is that:
(Tribe News 901-09)
To earn these from winning a battle where units from different Tribes have combined in the fight, each Tribe must contribute at least 10% of the force.
(Tribe News 902-02)
Applies for 18 game months from start month for players starting before 0902.
Applies for 24 game months from start month for players starting after 0902.
(Tribe News 901-12)
When taking up a mission pls let me know in GM Actions in the turn you ciollect the goods, and the turn of delivery.
(Tribe News 901-11)
If you have recently lost/absorbed a unit, eg 0001e1 pls wait a turn at least before recreating (ie using the same e extension), instead create 0001e2.
(Tribe News 901-09)
Crewing is not counted as an Activity. Maintain Boats is an Activity.
(Tribe News 902-04)
These have been tweaked so that players have one minable and one tradeable desired commodity.
(Tribe News 900-03)
Some players inadvertently bought Dogs at the last Fair and now have them in their holdings. Might as well open up Dogs for all at the next Fair.
(Tribe News 900-12)
A more sophisticated analysis of what goes on in Engineering is provided by 0177. The list is based on Distinction. It does not include Bakeries and Mills, they can be added later.
Some options need to be checked, especially Stonework (probably does not deduct stones as with other Stonework items).
If you find anything that adds to this pls let me (or 0177) know
Refinery with Brass.
Report 11/900:
58 effective people worked on Refinery using (100 logs, 150 coal, 155 brass, )
100 logs, 150 coal, 75 brass
Actual deduction of goods:
100 logs, 150 coal, 75 brass. (Only Brass checked at this stage)
The code deducts the correct amount of goods but the Report will show a larger amount of Brass being used.
Result: Ref1 and another Ref under construction
Suggestion: assign 55 to building a Ref1 and another 15 to building smelters in bld1.
ENGINEERING Iron Burner NONE 25 Bld 1
(Tribe News 900-08)
A reminder. Orders will work auto for many items however they will not work for some. It is not easy to be specific here as sometimes this is to do with flaky code and sometimes to do with how players enter Orders (which can be resolved over time). There are two responses possible when Engineering and Shipbuilding Orders do not work. First, short term fix, let the GM know what you intended to build and which materials were or were not deducted. Second, if a particular Order does not work consistently then use GM Actions to show what you are building (specify unit) and then use Transfer to 1263 in Transfer Orders. The plan is that when coding fixes start to kick in we identify what is not working and tackle these one at a time. Where code does work, eg building Meeting House, pls continue to use auto Orders. You should be able to identify what is/is not working after a couple of attempts.
(Tribe News 901-11)
A particular hex can be used repeatedly but not twice by the same Clan. A player needs to indicate when they are collecting an animal and state the hex coord in GM Actions. Combat is possible in hex. Building is possible but no Village building. No bartering with GM is entered into.
(Tribe News 901-12)
Leopold Goltz BC 0410
Charles Ernst BE 2903
Sachin Mamdot BF 1009
Salor Ghadezi CB 2516
Wilfred Roades CB 0514
Douglas Pocock CH 1708
Farook Paigah CJ 2810
Thomas Cavan CL 0805
Kanji Akhito CO 2307
Mitsui Tanaka DF 2515
Dom Sicluna DG 0315
George Metaxas DI 1009
David Featherby DJ 0907
Sophie Laskaris DK 0515
Leonor Gerona DL 2915
Cayetana Adales EB 2712
Alonso San Damian EF 2503
Qing Ya Ling EI 2616
Hong Wei Yuan EJ 1615
Thor Vidal EL 2005
Hela Shipper FB 2815
Vladka Meed FD 1715
Tom Spencer FF 2912
Thomas Jenkins FH 1008
Jerzy White FL 2515
You can also build in NPC Cities and Towns if you are the first to build there.
(Tribe News 902-02)
Note: Art, Music, Dance and Cooking may be “sold” as part of the Trade activity - participation in Cultural Disciplines counts as 1 slot against the 10-item trade limit.
(Tribe News 901-03)
If Morale is 1.09 or above, Smoking will no longer be effective.
The Morale effect should be temporary (you should not get a Morale boost from smoking you did 5 years ago) however, this is too difficult to manually adjust. In addition, should Morale accumulate at 0.06 per year then after some years that would add up to a cheap but significant way of boosting population. As a compromise the Morale effects from smoking at Fair are capped.
(Tribe News 901-04)
Please include your Clan number somewhere in the file name.
(Tribe News 901-03)
Farming is done via the Farming spreadsheet and you need to keep your records each month for audit purposes. And then use 1263 to transfer crops in. A number of players entered Plowing and Planting via Orders entry. I have kept these as I am interested in seeing the results that Access gives but your numbers need to come from the Spreadsheet.
From next turn please include your Farming spreadsheet with Orders as a separate attachment but not a separate email.
Interim Farming rules and spreadsheet posted into Discord “Recent Sends”
Use skill level as it was in the harvesting month.
(Tribe News 901-03)
Farming is done via the Farming spreadsheet and you need to keep your records each month for audit purposes. And then use 1263 to transfer crops in. A number of players entered Plowing and Planting via Orders entry. I have kept these as I am interested in seeing the results that Access gives but your numbers need to come from the Spreadsheet.
From next turn please include your Farming spreadsheet with Orders as a separate attachment but not a separate email.
(Tribe News 901-01)
Interim Farming rules and spreadsheet posted into Discord “Recent Sends”
(Tribe News 900-12)
Fixing Farming is a coding priority after weights/movement. There is no point running Farming while it is broken so no Farming for 900. The aim is to have it going by 01 901. If the code is not ready by then we will use the farming calculator on the wiki and Transfers from 1263.
(Tribe News 900-01)
Farming is done via the Farming spreadsheet and you need to keep your records each month for audit purposes. And then use 1263 to transfer crops in. A number of players entered Plowing and Planting via Orders entry. I have kept these as I am interested in seeing the results that Access gives but your numbers need to come from the Spreadsheet.
From next turn please include your Farming spreadsheet with Orders as a separate attachment but not a separate email.
Interim Farming rules and spreadsheet posted into Discord “Recent Sends”
(Tribe News 900-02)
Winter figures are still good. However, fish generated by a unit do not seem to shared with other units in its GT. Take this into account.
Salting Fish. Use to and from 1263. Prompt in GM Actions.
(Tribe News 900-11)
If using this, the units must start in the same hex.
(Tribe News 900-03)
You may build Fortifications in a hex:
If there is a Village in a hex you may build fortifications (only) in this hex if:
If the Truce is subsequently broken any fortifications remain in place though they may not be upgraded/converted to a Village.
What this means
units from two or more Clans may build fortifications in a shared hex if a Truce prevails between the various parties.
as per normal rules, a Clan may build Fortifications for another Clan in the hex (but only if a Truce prevails)
only one of the Clans in the hex may build/have a Meeting House in that hex. Thus only one Clan may have a Village in the hex enabling Village Activities such as Refining. That is, the one Village per hex rule does not change.
that units from different Clans cannot share a site (units from the same Clan can). Units from different Clans are independent in this sense. This is not a change either.
In short it means that Truced units in your hex doing things like mining can enjoy the benefits of fortifications if attacked in the hex.
(Tribe News 901-02)
Fur Jackets can be sold at any trading Town or International City for 2 Coin each (limit 10 per Clan per turn).
Fur Coats can be sold at any trading Town or International City for 3 Coin each (limit 10 per Clan per turn).
(Tribe News 900-09)
GM Actions comprise of 2 parts. First, those that require manual action, eg placing truces, creating new units etc. Second, those that require inspection of Orders, eg transfers to and from 3263 etc. If you are using a Special Hex or trading at an NPC city (using 3263) can you note this in GM Actions so I can inspect and audit the transfers quantity. Please place these in rows below GM Actions that require manual intervention.
(Tribe News 900-06)
Home City Trade at Fair bonus removed
Was - if you have no other modifiers, with a HC all Trade limits on goods are multiplied by 2.
(Tribe News 900-11)
Please let me know mid-week if you have a Clan Village that you have declared as your Home City (pls cite co ord)
(Tribe News 902-02)
Via Locate into remote hex
The overrun unit is lost to the attacker (meaning the victor acquires most if not all goods). The lost unit gains no scouting info from the turn (unless by GM oversight). The identity of the attacker will not be revealed (unless by GM oversight – which will be infrequent).
Via Combat or Still (in the same hex).
Combat occurs before MV. So an attack that results in an overrun in the hex will reveal the attacker because the units will be shown together in the turn prior. Locate via the “Still” orders will also fall into this category. The identity of an attacker will be revealed via Local gossip if you like.
(Tribe News 902-02)
Jetties and Boatsheds
Ferrys require a Jetty at either end Warships, Frigates, Merchants and Traders require Jetties to berth at a village Protected berth in a village requires boatsheds Jetties substitute for Wells in villages.
That is, Jetties are good for ferrying and water, boatsheds for protecting ships.
Players using Fleets containing Warships, Frigates, Merchants and Traders are bound by the honour system. Note NPC Cities/Towns have Jetties where relevant.
(Tribe News 900-12)
NPC Towns and Cities on water have Jetties that can be used by visiting units.
(Tribe News 901-11)
Fleets that lose ships in naval combat and fall below the required ships (people carrying capacity) for the Fleets crew may use Lifeboats to help people survive. When Lifeboats are carried on ships the Fleet will move as normal, but if Lifeboats are required to be launched the fleet movement will slow to that of a Boat (as the Lifeboats become part of the Fleet). If you have sufficient Adm levels you may want to create a new Fleet consisting of just the Lifeboat component. Lifeboats are in virtually all respects like a Boat and may hold 20 people, 8 oars and up to 60 provs, no animals.
(Tribe News 901-05)
At times the “Move to limit” movement option will take a unit a few hexes beyond which it should end. While we don’t worry about this ordinarily, we would if a Locate from this position results in an attack. Should one of your units be attacked via Locate you should enquire whether the move was legit (this reminder will prompt me to check). While the scouting find of your unit cannot be undone (or a possible Suppressors vs Scouts scuffle) we can at least try to prevent attacks that should not happen. If they don't want their surprise attack to turn into an attack with warning the following turn then players should not use the move to limit option, if they are running Locate orders. These would be rare cases admittedly, and hopefully new code can sort this before it has any practical need.
(Tribe News 902-03)
Where there is more than one target Located in a hex, and those targets are Truced, the target with the largest numbers assigned to defense will be attacked first. Where target units are not Truces the successful Locate may choose which to attack. Any units with zero (or few) defenders in the same hex (and not behind fortifications) will be overrun according to GM discretion. In the case of Truces units this assumes units with defenders have been defeated and that a Clan will not stand by while an ally is attacked.
(Tribe News 900-12)
At times the “Move to limit” movement option will take a unit a few hexes beyond which it should end. While we don’t worry about this ordinarily, we would if a Locate from this position results in an attack. Should one of your units be attacked via Locate you should enquire whether the move was legit (this reminder will prompt me to check). While the scouting find of your unit cannot be undone (or a possible Suppressors vs Scouts scuffle) we can at least try to prevent attacks that should not happen. If they don't want their surprise attack to turn into an attack with warning the following turn then players should not use the move to limit option, if they are running Locate orders. These would be rare cases admittedly, and hopefully new code can sort this before it has any practical need.
(Tribe News 902-02)
(on hold til supported by coding)
If not coded I will have to police this manually and I don’t have time for that.
Maximum people allowed to Fish on Ships. If a Fleet is moving in a turn, Crewing is counted as an Activity. People neither Crewing nor Fishing may conduct normal Activities.
Ferry% 0
Barge** 0
Boat 4
Fisher 7
Coaster 2
Sm Galley 12
Md Galley 15
Lg Galley 18
Trader 4
Longship 10
Merchant 4
Warship 4
(Tribe News 902-02)
Please do not sail to or otherwise visit QB, RB or SB. Don’t sail south of the S maps. Don’t sail west or A maps, nor east of P maps unless you find some P land mapping that abuts map Q.
(Tribe News 901-06)
Mercenaries are available at NPC International Cities and Special Hexes.
A local Warlord offers to supply you with up to 10 Mercenaries @ 3 Coin each. One transaction per Clan per month. No combat in hex. See GM for details
Mercenaries in your Clan:
For example, if a unit has 200 troops engaged in combat no more than 100 of these may be Mercenaries. The player assigns 200 Warriors (not Mercenaries) to the combat as normal and indicates that 100 of these are Mercenaries. At the end of the combat Mercenaries replace dead Warriors in ratio (in this case, if you lost 40 Warriors dead then this = 20 Warriors dead and 20 Mercs dead).
Mercenaries fight at the skill levels of the unit. They may not be used for Security, Suppression, Scouting etc or in any capacity than that described above. They do not require provs and they can’t carry goods beyond their own private gear.
Mercenaries have an initial cost of 3 Coins each and ongoing costs of 10 Silver per month. They (like Slaves), may not be transferred from Clan to Clan.
Many Mercenary camps (Special Hexes) have finite supplies of Mercenaries and once these are gone the Warlord is likely to relocate. You should keep records of any Mercenaries you gain from particular Warlords in your Comments section of Orders. Use 3263 to and from in auto Orders.
Mercenaries and Couriers
Mercenaries that accompany Courier units fight as if they are conventional Warriors attached to the unit and ADD to the number of Warriors that may enter combat. For example, a Courier unit with 30 Warriors and 60 Mercenaries may field 30 Warriors in combat (30+60)/3. Warriors and Mercenaries dead/wounded are lost in ratio. Mercenaries fight at the skill level of the Tribe.
(Tribe News 901-11)
Statistics are suggesting that these are working OK auto. Pls make sure your own records are tight before drawing my attention to these,
(Tribe News 902-02)
Please don’t do it. I am looking for some axels to break.
(Tribe News 902-02)
If your Clan collects goods for delivery from one NPC unit to another the goods must be delivered by the same Clan that collected them.
(Tribe News 902-02)
When opposing Fleets are in the same hex they may engage in combat (see also 9.2.1 Fleets and combat).
Naval combat involves two components resolved separately.
First, ship vs ship where a ship’s Damage Rating (DR) and Defensive Points (DP) combine to give a fleet vs fleet outcome. This is essentially captured in the Naval Combat* spreadsheet that will be used til a more sophisticated version is developed.
Second, the melee component where the Warriors from one side vs Warriors from the other (resolved via the Combat Entry Sheet for normal field combat with one or two modifications). Includes (archery, anti-personnel HW and H2H)
Note an important rule now and going forward is that Warriors who can engage in the fight (be it to man heavy weapons in ship vs ship) or melee (Warrior vs Warrior) are limited both by the 1/3 rule and the DPs of the ship (Warriors in the fight may not exceed the DP of the ship).
A hypothetic example that pertains to a non-existing ship. If this ship carried 60 Warriors and has 15 DPs then 15 (not 20) is the maximum Warriors that can be deployed by the ship.
One or two things to change, in particular the Warship which has been underdone in the past. But in general the changes being made are so that ships that are primarily designed for naval combat (warship, feluccas, frigates, galleys) can fully utilize all their defense points if they are fully occupied with warriors.
Revised ship specifications (the latter 3 are research items):
Ship | New Def points (previously) | New Max people (previously) |
Warship | 25 (30) | 75 (60) |
Felucca I & II | 15 (32) | 45 (40) |
Felucca III & IV | 20 (36) | 60 (45) |
Frigate I | 60 (160) | 180 (125) |
(Tribe News 901-07)
New players (beginning after 06 901) may distribute a further 35 skill points, any time up to their 6th turn played. Up to four Skills may be advanced to, but not beyond, lvl8. Other skills may not be advanced beyond lvl6. You may not add to Cour, Dip or Gar skill.
(Tribe News 901-08)
Siege Eq8, Wood 6, 12 Logs, 30 Coal, 4 Iron, 4 Rope, 15 People,
Anti siege equipment device - throws 5 stones in a high arc targeting enemy Trebuchets/Onagers when under Siege/Assault. Each Onager requires 1 Wooden or Stone Tower.
Crew of 4.
(Tribe News 902-02)
I propose to remove all no combat hexes from the game. Here are the considerations.
Having some hexes that are no Combat zones adds quite a weight to the GM administrative load. I have to make decisions about which should be, and which should not be no Combat hexes. Then I have to record them. And importantly, when resolving Locate/Suppression/Combat I have to investigate which hexes are in play – and much of this is manual inspection and open to oversight. In the last iteration there was more than one occasion where I worked through some Suppression/Locate Orders only to find the hex shown as a no combat, having forgotten to check this first.
Having some Special Hexes/Towns/Cities that are no combat zones and some that are not, leads to player confusion. It is much simpler if both GM and player know that combat is possible in any hex.
Future coding (which involves a degree of complexity) would be required to account for these hexes and this seems a peripheral use of coding time.
The rule was originally designed to stop Clans placing units in these hexes and picking off unsuspecting trading units. But it could be argued that having all hexes open for combat leads to a more interesting range of strategic and diplomatic possibilities.
The above thinking has been in the air for quite a while but a recent email from 0147 has added a further dimension. He points out: A unit can start the turn in a non-combat hex (which may be fairly close to an enemy target), move out, end the turn in a regular hex and then launch and aggressive action such as a Locate. The following turn it can move back to the sanctuary of the no combat hex, and the victim will have no idea when it might emerge again. I can't go and attack it, but any turn it likes it can pop out and launch attacks or raids. With more special hexes arriving in the TN world this is not a desirable state of affairs.
As TN V3 unfolds, I can’t really find a good reason to keep no combat hexes – but if you think I have missed something please let me know.
Should this ruling come to pass I will work on editing out no combat references in various places, but bear in mind, I might miss some. The ruling will also include the idea that Clan fortifications cannot be built in most of them.
NPC CITY Caveat and features
The code supports 10 Tribes per Clan (0 main and 9 sub-Tribes). The concept of an International Tribe 9xxx has been abandoned. With Dip10 you can have 10 Tribes (maximum).
(Tribe News 901-04)
Please included your Clan number as part of the file name. For example, 0250-06-900.
(Tribe News 900-06)
May not be used as Wagons.
(Tribe News 901-10)
Pass, Low Mountain - 7 MP to enter hex via pass, no entry restrictions
Pass, High Mountain - 8 MP to enter hex, no restrictions
MV bonuses not coded, however, Wagons are coded to enter via Pass
So for MV point purposes treat terrains with Passes as if their standard MV points.
(Tribe News 900-05)
If you are assigning Picks to Moat diggers pls keep an eye on this one. “It seems that picks are granting +1.5AM to moat digging, rather than the expected +0.5”
(Tribe News 900-07)
A number of players are doing this through Activities rather than using the Farming spreadsheet.
(Tribe News 902-02)
As per the combat rules, the rules on Raiding need to be such that they are practically administrable.
9.4.2 Raiding
Scouts on a raid will try to take Slaves from another Clan (unit).
In any one turn, a particular Clan may Raid only one other Clan (selected by the Raider) and by using one unit only. If you do not specify the unit that the raid is against, the first unit encountered will be deemed as the target.
Any one Clan may be Raided no more than twice in a turn, that is, by a maximum of two raiding units (be they from the same or different Clans). Where more than two raids are announced against a single Clan the two largest raiding groups will be those in play.
The intent to Raid needs to be flagged in GM Actions.
Raiding is deemed to occur in any hex passed through (not just in the final hex) - your Scouts will return to report the first units(s) they Raid (that is, they will not continue into the next hex unless there is a specific order to target a particular unit). If you want to Raid in the hex your unit is in, your Scouting MV Orders must be “Still”.
Raiders may not wear Breastplates nor any type of Plate Armour. Scouts with a Raid Order will fight any Warriors on Security plus any on Suppression in a combat/melee without any defensive modifiers (that is, as if vs open camp). They do not fight the assigned Defenders. Raids occur prior to any combat via Locate.
If you specify a Raid vs a particular unit the Raiders do NOT have to deal with security from another Clan's unit present in the hex though they would have to deal with any Suppressors in the hex. As would Scouts on Locate.
You cannot combine Scouting numbers from sub-Tribes in order to Raid. That is, Raiding is done by a single unit.
A Tribe is limited to a maximum of 10 Raiders per Tactics level in each Scouting party. For example, at Tac10 a Scouting party may contain up to 100 Raiders. So the total maximum Raiders from a unity would be 800.
Where scouts from different parties of the one unit are Raiding vs the same opposing unit the total scouts in the relevant parties will be added together for the purposes of adjudication. For example, two Raids by two groups of 100 (Tac10) shall count as a single raid by 200.
If the Target has NO Security or Suppression, then for every 2 mounted Warriors one Slave is available, for every 4 Infantry one Slave is available. Shackles do not count for reducing the effective count of captured slaves when Raiding. If Suppression and/or Security is present a Locate vs Suppressors type melee will ensue and available Raiders are any that survive unwounded after this encounter. If Slaves taken exceeds people in the unit, then the unit will be lost and goods held taken by the Raider.
(Tribe News 901-04)
If the Target has NO Security or Suppression, then for every 2 mounted Warriors one Slave is available, for every 4 Infantry one Slave is available. Shackles do not count for reducing the effective count of captured slaves when Raiding. If Suppression and/or Security is present a Locate vs Suppressors type melee will ensue and available Raiders are any that survive after this encounter. If Slaves taken exceeds people in the unit then the unit will be lost and goods abandoned.
(Tribe News 900-06)
What part does the Security skill play in the battle?
None, once the fighting starts. But it affects whether or not the raiding party is spotted in the first place. For example, 100 mounted Raiders unspotted will take 50 Slaves. 100 mounted Raiders who are spotted will have to melee security forces and win before Slaves are available. Large Raiding parties are highly likely to be noticed.
Consider unit A Raiding unit B. Each side has Sec5, Scout5, Spy5. A uses 100 mounted Raiders. B has 30 mounted Security. The chances of B spotting A are around 70% (though the 30 will likely be hard pressed to stop the 100). If there are 300 Raiders the chances of them being spotted are guaranteed. If mounted Security are 50 then the chances of seeing 100 Raiders (with the above skills) are close to 100%. Fortifications will improve these chances.
(Tribe News 902-02)
The following ships allow Rams:
Small Galley, Medium Galley, Large Galley, Warship
(Tribe News 900-07)
There is a distinction between the building and the items installed in it.
Note: when you initially construct a Refinery using the automated orders, the code assumes that you will also build at least one smelter within it. So a Refinery plus 1 smelter is your first build. You should therefore assign enough workers to build do this, that is, assign 55 workers when you build a Ref1 (none to the installation of the smelter, smelters can then be subsequently installed once the Ref1 is in place).
(Tribe News 900-06)
The following has been dropped as part of the Religion requirement:
During this month, Rel must either be the primary or secondary skill attempt in all Tribes (until Rel10)
(Tribe News 901-05)
Has officially begun.
At least four Clans are required to form a Religious Movement. There can be a maximum of six Clans in any one Religion (at present). No more than ten Religions can exist in the game. However, if this number is reached then membership restrictions may be revised.
If a Religion is reduced to less than three Clans there will be penalties to bonuses and quests. If Religion membership falls below three the Religion falls dormant until another member is found. If another member is not found within 12 months then the Religion lapses and opens up a new spot (in the 10). It is worth ensuring that at least three of your original membership are long term and/or committed players.
(Tribe News 901-01)
Initial goods limited to (shown in Transfers):
Cattle 60 Goat 200 Horse 30
Bronze 200 Coal 1000 Iron 200 Silver 1000
Finished Goods
Provs 2000 Sling 100 Wagon 30
(Tribe News 901-02)
New Research topic - Silver Age (see Research document)
(Tribe News 901-03)
Replace Trackers in the description with Experienced Seekers/Expert Seekers/Veteran Seekers
(Tribe News 901-06)
If your total Clan population has fallen to or below 75% total population of any specified (by you) month it may undergo restoration in any NPC International city (not Trade Towns). Full restoration may not exceed 95% of your total population of the specified month (most likely the month you identify when your Clan had its maximum population).
In essence your Clan is rebooted at an NPC International City of your choosing* as a single entity with either the goods you have remaining or the goods of a new start position.
(* you may not choose the city closest to any Clan that has been responsible for your loses)
For example, in 01 902 my Clan totalled 20000 people. It now totals 15000 people. 95% of 20000 is 19000 people. This will be the Clan’s new population.
Your Clan needs to have not been in combat for three successive months for this option to be available.
You may resume with some of the Skills previously held. Select the Tribe with the skills you would like to retain. Sum the total skill point levels. 80% of this number may be assigned to new skill levels with no skill exceeding a level previously held. If you have sub Tribes you may select three of the present skills to add on top of the previous distribution.
(Tribe News 901-05)
If sending in a revision to Orders pls keep the file name the same so at my end I am prompted to overwrite. Else if I forget to delete the original file it is possible that Orders may be run twice.
(Tribe News 900-05)
Fortifications but not Villages may be built here.
(Tribe News 902-04)
Fleets/ships cannot be used to travel unknown rivers. But once you have two (or more) known points on a river you can use GOTO Orders to transit between them. These points must be shown in a graphic map sent to the GM. If the transit embraces a Ford, then Longships are the only vessels that can do this in one go (with enough MV points), else you have to set up an intermediary GOTO point on the ford and use this as the jumping off point the following turn.
Fleets on Rivers
You calculate how far your Fleet can move based on 4 MP per hex River/Lake/Ocean or 2 MV points per hexside. You can travel a maximum of 40 hexsides this way. Note that Fords will restrict the type of ships that may be used.
Barge Travel:
You calculate how far your Fleet can move based on 2 MP per hex River/Lake/Ocean or 1 MV points per hexside. You can travel a maximum of 40 hexsides this way.
If you plan to build a Village on a River and use this as a base for Ocean Fleet travel then you do this. You pick a spot in the Ocean one normal Fleet move from the Village/Shipyard – this will be called Atoll x with a hex coord. Your Orders from Village to Atoll xx will be “GOTO insert coord”. On the following turn normal Ocean movement will apply. Reverse the process when returning home.
(Tribe News 901-04)
Fleets/ships cannot be used to travel unknown rivers. But once you have two (or more) known points on a river you can use GOTO Orders to transit between them. These points must be shown in a graphic map sent to the GM. If the transit embraces a Ford, then Longships are the only vessels that can do this in one go (with enough MV points), else you have to set up an intermediary GOTO point on the ford and use this as the jumping off point the following turn.
If you plan to build a Village on a River and use this as a base for Ocean Fleet travel then you do this. You pick a spot in the Ocean one normal Fleet move from the Village/Shipyard – this will be called Atoll x with a hex coord. Your Orders from Village to Atoll xx will be “GOTO insert coord”. On the following turn normal Ocean movement will apply. Reverse the process when returning home.
(Tribe News 900-05)
"Use to and from 1263. Prompt in GM Actions."
(Tribe News 900-10)
Rich Seeking occurs in addition to normal Seeking but results should be sent to the unit doing the Seeking (or Rich Seeking) from 4263. Normal Seeking may be conducted in a Rich Seeking hex (that is, a unit(s) may do both in this hex)
(Tribe News 901-01)
Can you now please send to:
(Tribe News 902-02)
Please show receiving unit when building Ships.
(Tribe News 901-01)
While a number of ships/structures build without error in one turn via auto, extending projects over 2 or more turns are likely to fail. Thus, if you are planning to do this it is better to use GM Actions to add the item and to 1263 to use materials.
(Tribe News 901-10)
"13.5 Using Ships for Defence (removed)"
(Tribe News 900-10)
"Shipyard construction: It requires 50 logs, 6 iron, 20 coal (or 9 brass/bronze 15 coal) and a Jetty per 10 people who will work in the shipyard each month."
The Jetty is not required.
(Tribe News 900-07)
Siege Equipment (used in Defense)
Each Catapult requires 1 Wooden or Stone Tower in order to deploy
Each Siege Cannon requires 1 Stone Tower
Each Onager requires 1 Wooden or Stone Tower
Catapults will oppose Catapults, Onager will oppose Trebuchet, Siege Cannon vs Siege Cannon
One piece of attacking siege equipment may be placed vs 20 yards of wall.
Siege Eq10, Wood 6, 12 Logs, 30 Coal, 4 Iron, 4 Rope, 15 People, Gold 5
Description: Anti siege equipment device - throws 5 stones in a high arc targeting enemy siege equipement.
Crew of 4.
Siege Eq10, 15 logs, 4 rope, 2 iron, 30 coal, 100 stones, 30 people; Gold 7
Description: 10 people to operate. Cannot be moved; weigh 3000 lbs. Trebuchets fire 5 stones vs walls. They may not be used in field combat. They are a powerful indirect firing siege weapon that do damage to Walls or other Heavy Weapons.
Siege Cannon
Description: Availability special. Requires 1250 Bronze, 7500 Coal, 20 Gold, 10 Log, 35 people to make, siege10. Weigh 2000 lbs. Intelligence 8 can reveal where/how they can be made/found
(Tribe News 901-08)
The Jetty is part of the Village structures and, thus owned by a land unit. Fleets cannot attack land units (though they can be part of a siege). So an attacking Fleet (on the Lake or River) cannot block or destroy the jetty and run the besieged city out of water.
(Tribe News 901-10)
The first skill attempt is always made at this full base chance, whereas the second attempt is typically made at 1/2 of the base chance. The penalty for choosing skills from the same group for these two attempts is that the second attempt will instead be made at 1/4 of the base chance. You may never choose the same skill for both attempts.
(Tribe News 901-02)
Please enter your skills clean each turn rather than copy/paste.
(Tribe News 901-03)
Only ask for this once you have your Report and can confirm that the unit in question is actually in a SH.
(Tribe News 901-06)
Stonework is not showing the correct number of Stones used for Statues, Sculptures, Stone Spears (and most likely all Stonework items). Until coding can fix this, please use Transfer Stones to 1263 and flag that you are doing this in GM Actions.
(Tribe News 900-04)
Swamps are now back to 8 MP, Wagons may not enter. While waiting on MV code.
(Tribe News 900-04)
Players should play by the rules as described in the Mandate. While there are some coding glitches players will only be asked to test these upon invitation.
(Tribe News 901-01)
If you are using a Trade Town in the turn the Transfer code is 3263. But please note this in GM Actions so I can check your transfer.
(Tribe News 900-04)
People space can be converted to cargo space at the rate of 1 person = 500lb cargo space (for Traders, this extra space can only be used to carry animals).
The exclusion previously applying to Traders, has been removed.
(Tribe News 900-04)
Please do this in auto Orders, even when creating new units.
(Tribe News 900-03)
At the moment 32 Truces fit into the Truce Field. If you want more than this you will have to use a sub-Tribe field.
(Tribe News 900-11)
The rules on building Walls suggests that once you have started building 15 foot walls then any further building should not be 10 foot walls or Palisade (or lesser walls in general). However, it seems to me there are circumstances where a Clan might be slowly working on expanding their 15 wall but fall under perceived or actual threat. So let’s say it has built 500 yards of 15 wall but needs 1000 to house its unit. If stones/time/manpower become an issue, would it not make sense for this Clan to throw up a 500 Palisade if it has the Logs making a 500 15 wall and a 500 Palisade with a weighted average defensive factor.
Rules as are:
When a 15’ stone wall covers the same length as the 10’ foot wall the latter becomes redundant (as a building as such). All further work on the wall will be on the 15’ wall (that is, you cannot add further 10’ wall to the 15’). If your Report shows, for example, 15’ stonewall 1000, 10’ stonewall 2000 - this means that 1000 of the 2000 wall is 15’ (not that you have 3000 wall made up of 15’ stonewall 1000 and 10’ stonewall 2000).
(Tribe News 901-10)
Well building in CH is being generous. Stick with what the code tells you til the code is fixed, and let me know if other terrains are giving better than expected results.
(Tribe News 901-12)
Wells may not be dig in arid/desert (but this could be an Engineering research topic).
(Tribe News 901-04)
The Unsheathed Blade
Clan 0140, Jack,
Established 901-10
The Cult of Hathor
Clan 0150, Jeff,
Established 901-11
The Greater Unreligion of Triball
Triball (Athiesm)
Clan 0275, Steve,
Established 901-11
Clan 0108, Raven,
Established 901-11
The Cult of Dave
Clan 0159, Patrick,
Established 901-11
Clan 0114, Martin,
Established 901-12
Clan 130,
Established 901-12
Natures Path
Clan 117,
Established 902-02
Placeholders will lapse if sufficient Religions are officially formed in the meantime.
(Tribe News 901-11)