All Chieves are invited to participate in the Year 820 Clan Games. To participate, each Chief must fill in the Clan Games Entry Form (see separate document) and return this form to me ( by the deadline for Turn 8/820 orders which will be established by Peter, the GM.
Rules for Clan Games
For each individual event you enter, you pick one of your clan’s units. You use that unit’s terrain and skill for this event. You may use different units for different events. If you enter ten different events, you may pick a different unit for each event and thus end up with entering TEN different units, each ONE entering ONE event. Or you can enter the same unit in all TEN events. Or any mixture thereof that best suits you.
When you enter skills, ALWAYS use the skill as it is printed in your most recent turn results. Research Topics that boost skills (such as the +2 in Leadership that comes from the Junior Officer topic) are NOT used in Clan Games.
Late entries will NOT be processed.
Questions and entries:
To save a copy of the entry form, use the File > Download menu from Google Docs.