Your units sometimes gain additional people and sometimes they don’t. This happens automatically and for some people it is a mystery. For others, after extensive testing as a player, they’ve figured it out. And for some, after all that extensive testing, we also become coders and thus can verify those equations against the code. For me, I started (and still am) a player. I kept meticulous notes and spreadsheets to map out a ton of data for population growth. Then as a coder, I was asked to look into it via the code and well, what we discovered via notes and spreadsheets is pretty much what the code shows. However, to save people time, heartache and to make sure people can plan for the future, I’ll break down what I discovered through that note taking and spreadsheeting and then verified with code.
We will break this down into two section. Section 1 will cover how a unit grows its population. Second 2 will be how population is added to a unit via that growth and how additional gaining of population affects population growth.
All units are eligible for passively breeding new people. However, the amount of new people you gain via this breeding is based upon many factors as we will discuss now.
- Population in Unit: A unit gains people based upon its WAI (Warriors, Actives, Inactives). Its base population growth is based not on the sum total of all 3 (You don’t add Warriors+Actives+inactives), but instead it is based upon the group of people in that unit with the lowest amount. For example. Warriors 500, Actives 10,000 and Inactives 10,000 would have its population growth be based upon 500 Warriors. Similarly, Warriors 10,000, Actives 500, Inactives 501 would have its population growth be based upon 500 Actives. This is why the mandate recommends keeping your units three population types balanced.
The actual base population growth is based upon 3 * Lowest #. So 500 Warriors would be seen as 1,500 population for growth.
- General Morale of Unit: The higher the General Morale, the higher your population gain. This acts as a modifier. The basic modifier is * 1.00 / 150 = * 0.0066667.
- Population Growth Modifier: This acts as a modifier to the general morale modifier section of population growth. This area is where special hexes such as Midwives, Local Meeting Houses and research topics such as Hospitals, Medicine, Sewers all function.
- Look at the Unit's Warriors/Actives/Inactives (WAI) population
- Determine which of WAI is the lowest
- Take the lowest number and multiply it by 3. This is your Population Base
- Determine the Units General Morale
- Take General Morale and Divide it by 150. This is your Morale Growth Modifier
- Determine the Population Growth Modifiers (from stuff like Meeting Houses, Government Types, Hospital, Sewer)
- Take Morale Growth Modifier and add Population Growth Modifiers to it. We will call this your Total Growth Modifier
- Take your Population Base and multiply it by your Total Growth Modifier
- Round Up/Down as appropriate
- This is your total Population gain for the unit.
- WAI of 1k / 1k / 1k
- Warriors population of 1k is the lowest
- Population Base is 1k * 3 = 3,000
- General Morale is 1.00
- Morale Growth Modifier is 1.00 / 150 = 0.00666667
- Population Growth Modifier: 0.00
- Total Growth Modifier: 0.00666667 + 0 = 0.00666667
- Population Base of 3,000 * Total Growth Modifier of 0.00666667 = 20.00001 population gain
- Round down to 20
- Total Population Gain for this unit: 20
- WAI of 1k / 1k / 1k
- Warriors population of 1k is the lowest
- Population Base is 1k * 3 = 3,000
- General Morale is 1.10
- Morale Growth Modifier is 1.10 / 150 = 0.00733333
- Population Growth Modifier: 0.00
- Total Growth Modifier: 0.00733333 + 0 = 0.00733333
- Population Base of 3,000 * Total Growth Modifier of 0.00733333 = 21.999 population gain
- Round up to 22
- Total Population Gain for this unit: 22
- WAI of 1k / 1k / 1k
- Warriors population of 1k is the lowest
- Population Base is 1k * 3 = 3,000
- General Morale is 1.00
- Morale Growth Modifier is 1.00 / 150 = 0.00666667
- Population Growth Modifier: 0.002
- Total Growth Modifier: 0.00666667 + 0.002 = 0.00866667
- Population Base of 3,000 * Total Growth Modifier of 0.00866667 = 26.00001 population gain
- Round down to 26
- Total Population Gain for this unit: 26